Cool Stuff

6 09 2009

watch-resizedSo we have this old watch that my grampa stole from some german guy at gunpoint. It’s pretty cool looking and i thought it would be fun to draw… until i attempted to draw the numbers and thingies on the watch face. But all in all, i think it turned out okay. 

In other news, my wall has a huge white splotch on it. The splotch is wall mud over the piece of wall that dad took out to fix a plumbing problem. The hole was there for a week or so but now it’s just a giant blob of white.

  wall                             Attractive isnt’ it?   The best part is that every evening, dad walks in my room, looks at it and says he should finish fixing it, then walks out. Yeah. (oh, and we don’t have any blue paint left over)

Man in the Moon

26 08 2009

moon   So here’s a little something i did in painter. I’m working on a watercolor version of it now.  I like it.

I’m super excited. I got a bunch of new books on anatomy and proportions and stuffs. I’ve got doodles and sketches galore now. i’ll be posting some in the next couple of days.

I’m sad to say, i can’t seem to think of anything remotely interesting or even witty to write, so i’ll just go draw now.

Why so serious?

19 08 2009

joker  So it’s been a while since i’ve drawn anything. But I found this amongst my old sketches. I started it while i was still in school (no wonder i didn’t do well in math) and felt like working on it a little more. It’s not perfect, and i still consider it a sketch, but i like it. But then, i just loved the heath ledger as the joker. 

  I know i don’t update as often as i should, but i now have a new work schedule that allows me lots of time in the afternoons to get my artistic butt in gear. And do I have something awesome in the works!  In the mean time, i shall be posting little random sketches for your enjoyment.   

ps, did you know you can click on the picture to see it bigger?


17 05 2009


dominic        It’s been a while since i last added anything. I’ve been, uh, busy.

But to make up for that, here’s a finished piece. My nephew, Dominic.

It’s done with pencil on bristol board. You can click the link in the finished gallery to see it bigger.

Afternoon Tea

15 04 2009

Hatter: Would you like some more tea?

Alice: But I haven’t had any tea at all so I can’t very well have more.

Hatter: You mean you can’t very well have less.

mad hatter










I like tea.

The Sketchbook

12 04 2009

I am not the writer my sister is. I don’t write at all. Any thoughts I do try to organize on paper come out just as scattered as they are in my brain. That is why I draw. Art is my way of expressing my thoughts, feelings, ideas, etc.

For all the drawing I do, i don’t sketch enough. I tend to get stuck on long, detailed projects and have no time left for sketching and doodling (not a good thing). Also, a lot of people know I draw and I get asked a lot if they can see some of my art. So I’m starting a sort of online sketchbook. I will [try my best] to put up sketches and drawings up a couple times a week. (I’d go for more often, but this little thing called work gets in the way.) Now and then, I’ll post a fancy-shmancy finished project. 


But to start off, here’s a couple of things:

Some hanging watch thing.    Creature_1_sketch    green-man

Oh, and if you’re wondering what’s with jellocake, go eat some. You’ll see why I love it so much 😀